MGIFSRFADIVNANINALLEKAEDPQKLVRLMIQEMEDTLVEVRSTSARALAEKKQLTRRIEQASAREVEWQEKAELALLKEREDLARAALIEKQKLTDLIKSLEHEVTLVDDTLARMKKEIGELENKLSETRARQQALMLRHQAANSSRDVRRQLDSGKLDEAMARFESFERRIDQMEAEAESHSFGKQKSLDDQFAELKADDAISEQLAQLKAKMKQDNQ 222 Phage shock protein A PSPA_ECOLI b1304 pspA JW1297 The phage shock protein (psp) operon (pspABCDE) may play a significant role in the competition for survival under nutrient- or energy-limited conditions. PspA negatively regulates expression of the pspABCDE promoter and of pspG through negative regulation of the psp-specific transcriptional activator PspF. Is also required for membrane integrity, efficient translocation and maintenance of the proton motive force.